KINDA FUNNY : New Book Coming Soon!

Well, I don’t know how the months go by so fast and half a year goes by before I sit down to write a blog post. Clearly, I would never make it as an influencer.

Someone once told me if I want to make it in the social media game, I need to be posting two times a day and streaming live on TikTok EVERYDAY for FOUR TO FIVE HOURS!

No thank you, I will leave that to the younger generations. There is too much real life to navigate through to be spending that much time behind a screen or in a virtual reality.

I digress.

While it may seem like I haven’t done any work recently (based purely upon my last post being in July 2023), I’ve actually been working hard behind the scenes to get my second book published!!!

KINDA FUNNY: Stories by a Full-Time Comedian (with Four Part-Time Jobs) is finally going to be release into the world April 1st, 2024!! That’s right, April Fools Day… but it ain’t no joke!

I’m incredibly grateful to have been endorsed by some of my favorite people, including ’90s sensation and current Pastor of Master Peace Church, Montell Jordan! That’s right, cause 🎶 this is how we dooo it! 🎶

Much like my first book, it’s called a spade, it’s a collection of stories that you can read in any order. And while it does include my comedy journey, it’s not just a book about comedy! Some stories are kinda funny, some are kinda deep. Other stories are kinda awkward and a few are kinda spiritual. It’s a little bit of everything, because that’s life!

I made a little video about it and would love for you to take a peek just to get an idea for what you might be getting into should you come on this kinda funny adventure with me…

Be sure to check it out on Amazon, April 1st, 2024!!

I hope to be around here a little more often since a lot of the heavy load of writing has been lifted! You can always find me over on Instagram @jjbarrows or join my email list at Just be sure to check that spam folder because sometimes I end up there!

💜💜. jj